Visit Howler Island and fall in love...
Flirtini & Love
When Dr. Jane Holland arrives on Howler Island to study the local monkeys, the last thing she’s interested in is meeting a man.

Mojito & Love

Lanie arrives on Howler Island only to attract the attention of Jordan, her handsome new boss. He might look like prince charming, but her life is no fairy tale, and she needs to stay far away from him. For both their sakes.

Born and raised in the Ruhrgebiet in Germany, Christine moved to Canada when she was seventeen to attend University in Nova Scotia. She later graduated with her Ph.D. in History from Carleton University in 2019. After meeting her husband during a semester abroad at a Canadian high school, it seemed fated that she either become a screenwriter for a teen movie or write romantic comedies.
Christine currently lives on a small farm in Ontario, Canada with her beautiful daughter and husband. When not writing or teaching, Christine can usually be found playing with her toddler or riding one of her four horses.